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Our own Facebook Warrior
Stuart Frazer - admin "ONIX AUDIO"
Not ever our customer - but obsessed with us

* The only way weak insipid people get noticed, is the criticize successful ones *

(Read provided & documented ONIX AUDIO History)

*HERE*​   or contact our CEO Here - * HERE *  - Lets  talk.

Its no secret we have never had a Facebook page, Facebook is an advertising tool that makes you the product they sell. Sadly It also allows twisted people a voice . Stuart Frazer defines who  Facebook allow, he set up the page using our name just to discredit our CEO and he posts  assumptions and accusations about us that are baseless, clueless , and false . He knows nothing about IP rights, or legality of how he abuses them , equally he has no respect for Facebook Community rules . A troll 100%

 Q;- Stuart Frazer & ONIX AUDIO admin are the same guy - WHY ?

Q;- Staurt Frazer - What has he ever achieved ?

Q;- Why does he have a problem with our CEO  ? 

Q:- Why does he live to attack us ?

Q:- What drives such jealously of our CEO & our success ?

Q: Has he ever owned any business ?

Q;- He cant make anything we can - Jealously ?


​​​​Here is OUR ANSWER to that Facebook page  !

- A  FREE DNA ULTIMATE Amp - 100% Free -

Provide proof of a cleared payment and an invoice from OA21 Ltd

If we didn't supply the goods, or we did anything claimed on Facebook

 We will send you an ONIX DNA Ultimate amp for NOTHING


Yep for NOTHING 


4 years later and not one claim - Why if its true ?

*New  Offer for the above Amp* ​


Provide us with the home address of 

"Stuart Frazer " ( or his real name ) so we may take legal action

against him and get an DNA ultimate amp - Free

We will also sign a contract with you, to pay you half of what we 

recover from him and the sale of his assets, ( If he has any ) 

When we obtain financial award for  damage & deformation . 

Contact us here to claim your amp

The saying No Smoke without fire had meaning

Until the ONIX AUDIO Facebook page come along !


We believe that an honest ONIX AUDIO Facebook page would benefit the whole HIFI community, If it was run with impartiality by genuine people . Sadly the one that is set up using ONIX AUDIO as its name is NOT THAT PAGE .   Its real purpose is to discredit us and our CEO Adam Worsfold, by someone in admin hiding behind a false names and profiles , it so obvious its sad  - Stuart Frazer is a false name he uses  no proof of any kind has been posted on Facebook, its all hearsay.  Make up your own mind and use genuine documentation to do it . What is written over time is real history. Facebook posting urban myth that's not based on fact just makes those doing it look  pathetic to everyone  . Strong leaders always create controversy, its actually a compliment . Facebook attracts negativity from herd mentality and  people that seek likes , Facebook  has no place in our CEOs world and never has,  we are unique and proud of it .


Enjoy our products and listen to music like you have never heard it before . Sit there with an open mind and smile,  thinking about your intelligence advantage over  the Keyboard Warriors  and "Stuart Frazer "on Facebook. Sadly some don't have that enjoyment and never will, because if they did they would not have any time for Facebook posts . We live our life in the present and they resent it


Food for thought, about OA21 & ONIX AUDIO


We have made over over a 100,000 amps in our history , and we have many loyal customers. !! Think about it  that's something to be proud off not try to defend. We do not have an court cases pending and have not been taken to court  for what the Facebook posts say we have done . WHY NOT ?


We know genuine customers don't take notice of Facebook or whats posted there.  We are sure that like us, they rise above it . Our customers have worthwhile lives and appreciate our integrity, along with what we make. No one has ever said anything bad about our products . Typically our customers  have open minds and progressive positive  lives, knowing they have attained a certain position in the world by wealth and knowledge,  and they don't waste valuable time. Jealously of those on Facebook has no place in our world,  they don't make amplifiers and they don't design anything.  Most don't run companies.  Those that do are not posting on Facebook .

A message from our ONIX AUDIO Founder

Adam Worsfold

I have read various Facebook posts on the ONIX AUDIO Facebook page. The ignorance to how companies work and in particular the laws directors must follow is nothing short of amazing .  These guys edit emails and other form of communication to suit them . It seems ex staff met me at the factory while they were working there in 1993.  Some in 1992. I sold the original company in 1991 yet I was there, weird huh ?    Apparently I was fired by the people I sold it too !!! Yet I was the majority shareholder of the company with 100% voting rights ,  yet  I was fired !!! - HOW ?  -  The ignorance concerning  legality of a corporate structure, with the lack of knowledge  of our need to protect our trade marks, and how we did it with registration of shell companies, evades these Facebook warriors . It stuns me how ignorant they are . Its clear they have to much time to free unlike most successful people that are busy making companies work and their life successful .

I have learned to accept that these social media warriors are irrelevant to anyone in particular me

Ex - Employees some facts


After many years in business, you cant please everyone,  so its not uncommon to gather a few disgruntled employees along the way.  With time they develop distorted memories of the past. They often forget they were dismissed from the company most often for theft  . I personally did not employ or meet many of them but we do live in a time of social media fabrication and of course they blame a person and  remember my name.  We are and always have been a team of people, even so they latch on to a name and not the company itself,  if that doesn't make it personal I don't know what does. I ignore most of it and get on with building my life and great products

I always move forward with positivity and learn from the past ,  I am passionate about what I design and what we make. We make the best amps ever and I know that . I use my real name Adam Worsfold  - Contact me here  and I don't hide behind a false identity like  " Stuart Frazer ". I love music and make amps with unmatched quality, no one denies that.  The products we make are never criticized, after all that's what you buy,  so do you care what people think of me ?   These guys cant do what we do , and it seems to drive them crazy. It makes me smile that my efforts paid off during these past years , I never stop learning

Please  contact us with any questions, or use our red box in  the corner . I will gladly call you back on any matter. If you don't like what we do, that's called free choice and I respect that  - but talk to me before you absorb Facebook  posts driven by jealously and  . Balance the truth,  if you do that we will gladly  welcome you to our world , and its a really great world . Thank you I look forward to talking to you


 Provide any genuine invoice or any proof of the cleared payment to OA21 Ltd

If we didn't supply the goods as agreed for that invoice

 We will send you a DNA Ultimate amp worth 3000 GBP  for NOTHING,  yep for ZERO 

We will also refund DOUBLE the amount of that invoice

Provide any proof we did what the facebook warriors say & its yours

 Still unclaimed after 4 years

This offer is open to anyone including the named above .

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